Rich Robins

Rich Robins recently returned from serving with his wife, Robyn, in the New York/Pennsylvania Historical Sites Mission. This was preceded by a 40-year teaching career in the public schools and in the Seminary and Institute programs of the Church.
He was born and raised in Orem, Utah on a small family farm. After high school he served in the Ontario/Quebec Canada Mission. He received a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from Brigham Young University and began teaching in the public-school system for 10 years. During the summer months, he also worked as a professional river guide on the Colorado River and as a backpacking guide in the Grand Canyon.
After completing a master’s degree in Educational Curriculum and Instruction from BYU he was hired to teach in the Church Educational System where he taught Seminary and Institute for the next 30 years. In addition to teaching both seminary and institute classes, he served as a CES Area Director in Utah Valley, as the Director of the Orem Institute of Religion (adjacent to Utah Valley University), and as a Seminary Preservice Director/Trainer at BYU.
Rich has directed Church Historical Site Tours for youth groups, extended family groups, and for the Seminary/Institute Faculty Summer Workshops. He has taught at BYU Education Week and has been an instructor of Adult Religion classes in Utah Valley for 10 years. He loves white water rafting, snowmobiling, 4-wheeling, and wood-working. He also loves to read biographies and histories related to U.S. and LDS Church History, and to work in his flower and vegetable gardens.
He and his wife Robyn married following their missions as young adults and currently reside in Cedar Hills, UT. They are the parents of five children and thirteen adorable grandchildren.