2025 Spring Israel & Jordan Tour with Kay Godfrey + Egypt Post-Tour Option

Dates March 19–April 3, 2025
Destination Tel Aviv; Caesarea; Capernaum; Tel Dan; Jerusalem; Gethsemane; Qumran;
Duration 16 days 15 nights
Price From 4,129

Religious Focus:


Activity Level:

Walking Level:

Come join acclaimed tour host, Kay Godfrey on a tour that will touch your heart and mind. Kay's passion for the Holy Land is matched with his experience to make sure you get the very best experience possible!

Journey back to the Holy Land where the land echoes with the voices of Abraham, Moses, David, and Elijah. 16 days to see and experience the places where Christ's powerful teachings still permeate the land. You'll see the most incredible landscapes, one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, and several of the most sacred spots on Earth, all in one tour! From the ancient Petra in Jordan to Masada, from the Sea of Galilee to the Red Sea, from the Mt. of Transfiguration to the Temple Mount, and from Gethsemane to the Garden Tomb, we will see and feel it all.

*While the physical activity on this tour (walking distances) is not significant, the days are full of touring from breakfast to dinner time with "down-time" only in the evening.

To complete the experience be sure to add on the Egypt POST-tour to visit the ancient pyramids of Cairo (2000 years old when the boy Jesus visited) and the ancient temples of Luxor! You can get full details on the TOUR INCLUDES tab above.

Tour ID #9225C19

To book this tour contact your favorite Morris Columbus Travel Advisor or the Group Tour Manager listed below:

Sarah Wangsgard, Tour Manager
Tel: (801) 483-6473
Email - swangsgard@morrismurdock.com

Day 1: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Day 1: Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Depart USA - Tel Aviv, Israel 

We will take flights from our various U.S.A home cities and travel to Israel. Have a nice flight! 

Meals : In-flight
Day 2: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Day 2: Thursday, March 20, 2025

Arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel - Netanya

Our flights will arrive this afternoon or evening at the Ben Gurion Airport. We will be met and transferred to our hotel in Netanya.

Meals : Dinner
Day 3: Friday, March 21, 2025
Day 3: Friday, March 21, 2025

Caesarea - Mount Carmel - Megiddo - Nazareth Village

This morning, we make our way to Caesarea to see this ancient seaport and the remains of a city founded by Herod, the residence of Pontius Pilate, and a prison for Paul. Sit in the well-preserved amphitheater overlooking the blue sea and hear the story of Paul's conversion of the Centurion. We continue to experience Mt Carmel where the prophet Elijah and the priests of Baal contested their faith. As we travel the high rolling hills of the Jezreel Valley, not far away is Megiddo, the tragic site of ancient bloody battles where nations were won and lost. Upon these same tragic fields, the great and terrible last battle of Armageddon will be fought. We will then make our way to Nazareth and the historic re-creation Nazareth Village, a living presentation of the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth. We return tonight to our hotel in Galilee.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 4: Saturday, March 22, 2025
Day 4: Saturday, March 22, 2025

Magdala - Mount of Beatitudes - Capernaum - Sea of Galilee boat ride

We begin in the village of Magdala seeing an active archeological site still being unearthed today. Here we’ll see a Synagogue dating back to the Savior’s Day, where a newly discovered stone portrays the symbols of the ancient temple. The Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount is always a highlight to visitors. We will read the words of the greatest teacher of all time as He taught the greatest sermon of all time. Then to Capernaum, where Jesus lived and recruited his first followers among the fishermen. The well-preserved city will amaze you as you sit in the synagogue and imagine Jesus' teaching and performing miracles in this important place. A St. Peter’s fish lunch today is included and not only tastes fabulous but makes a great memory. We continue to the shoreside and sail upon the Sea of Galilee to view the area of Jesus Christ's early ministry. As the wind carries your boat, note the halo of mountains that surrounds its shores.

Meals : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Day 5: Sunday, March 23, 2025
Day 5: Sunday, March 23, 2025

Tel Dan - Mount Hermon - Kissinger’s Pt.

We will visit Tel Dan National Park, which combines a lush nature reserve with a biblical archaeological experience. Beside a massive rock cliff, a place of great natural beauty, Banias is the site of ancient Caesarea Philippi, where Peter bore testimony of the Savior and Jesus said, “Thou art Peter and upon this rock, I will build my church”.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 6: Monday, March 24, 2025
Day 6: Monday, March 24, 2025

Jerusalem - Bethlehem - Church of Nativity

Today we will depart out of Galilee and arrive in Jerusalem and make our visit to Bethlehem. Music, bells, and churches appropriately adorn the little town of Bethlehem for it was here that the Light of the World was given life. Pilgrimages, sacred holidays, and festivities occur all year long to celebrate the birth of Christ. We will enjoy a fantastic lunch together in a traditional Bedouin tent restaurant before we visit the Church of the Nativity. Tradition holds that the small humble inn with just a stable for lodging was located where this church now stands. Near sunset, we will gather on the Shepherd Field where modern-day shepherds still tend their flocks on the fields overlooking Bethlehem just as they did over 2,000 years ago when the angel appeared bringing them glad tidings of great joy. We will sing the beloved Christmas hymns and listen to the wondrous story - a moment not to be forgotten.

Meals : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Day 7: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Day 7: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Temple Mount - Bethsaida - Western Wall Tunnels - Davidson Archaeological Site

We will begin our day with a visit to the Temple Mount, one of the most sacred spots of three religions. This was the site of Solomon’s Temple then the massive Second Temple rebuilt by Herod. The Western Wall is the most important site in all of Jewish civilization because these rough massive stones are all that is left of the great Second Temple. Revered and honored, the Jews wait and hope for the day they will rebuild there third and final temple upon these sacred remnants. We will explore the tunnels beneath the Western Wall and then visit the archeological park located on the south side of the temple mount. The original steps located here were certainly walked on by the Savior himself many times. We will visit today Hezekiah’s “Broad Wall” of ancient Jerusalem that was near where Lehi and his family lived. We will also walk in the old quarter of Jerusalem to the site believed to be the Room of the Last Supper. Devoid of gilded statues or ornate chapels, the quiet simplicity and elegance of this room help one to focus on the words of Christ and the poignant last moments with his beloved disciples.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 8: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Day 8: Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Israel Museum - Free Time

Today we will discover the treasures of the Israel Museum and the Shrine of the Book, the site chosen to house the Dead Sea Scrolls. This unique building is shaped like the ancient pottery in which the precious scrolls lay hidden for thousands of years. While were there we will get to see the Holy Land Model, a unique scale model of Jerusalem at the time of Christ. The model visually explains the layout of the ancient city as well as the design and magnitude of the Second Temple. There will be some free time this afternoon.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 9: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Day 9: Thursday, March 27, 2025

Gethsemane - Last Supper - Caiaphas Palace - Garden Tomb

Today we will visit the Garden of Gethsemane and have time to contemplate the Holy sacrifice that was made here for and every one of us. We will return to the old city now, entering the oldest quarter of Jerusalem, to the site believed to be the Room of the Last Supper. Devoid of gilded statues or ornate chapels, the quiet simplicity and elegance of this room help one to focus on the words of Christ and the poignant last moments with his beloved disciples. We will then stop at the House of Caiaphas, which owns the dark and sad dungeon that once imprisoned the Savior. To experience the cold dismal cells and feel the sorrow and grieving of such a place, brings understanding and gratitude to our hearts. This afternoon begins by a limestone hill, which we revere as Golgotha, the site of the crucifixion. Just around that hill is an old cemetery with an ancient tomb that once held the Savior's mortal body and saw its glorious resurrection. There is a sign on the door of the tomb that says, “He is not here - for He is risen.” This will be an unforgettable experience as you contemplate the promise of the Resurrection.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 10: Friday, March 28, 2025
Day 10: Friday, March 28, 2025

Bethabara - Qumran - Masada - Eilat

As we leave Jerusalem this morning our first stop will be Bethabara, the site where the Savior was baptized by John the Baptist. Buried in the beige limestone bluffs, the ruins of Qumran still tell the story of the essences, a reclusive Jewish sect that buried the now famous Dead Sea Scrolls. From the desert floor, ascend by cable car to the spectacular cliff-top fortress of Masada, where a community of 960 Jews preferred death at their own hands to the indignity of surrender to the overwhelming Roman forces. We will then make our way to Eilat to overnight.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 11: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Day 11: Saturday, March 29, 2025

Timna Mines - Eilat surroundings - Border crossing - Aqaba

This morning we will visit the Timna Mines and Park. These ancient mines were a source of silver and copper dating back to ancient times. There is some indication that Lehi and his sons may have been metalworkers and visited this site. Here we also visit a marvelous full-sized model Tabernacle based on the one revealed to Moses in the wilderness. We will then visit the surrounding areas in Eilat. This afternoon we will cross the Border into Jordan and stay in Aqaba.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 12: Sunday, March 30, 2025
Day 12: Sunday, March 30, 2025

Wadi Rum - Jeep Ride - Camel Ride

Today we will drive to the dramatic Wadi Rum, one of the most impressive desert landscapes in the world, and view the spectacular rock formations, canyons, and Nabatean rock inscriptions. This landscape is reminiscent of Lehi’s family’s journey through this area. We will enjoy a jeep ride and camel ride and witness the scenery that is almost beyond imagination. Tonight, we will stay at the Hillawi Desert Camp in Wadi Rum.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 13: Monday, March 31, 2025
Day 13: Monday, March 31, 2025


The red-rose city of Petra is a unique destination. More than 2000 years ago the area was settled by the Nabataeans who carved magnificent buildings in the sandstone. We begin our adventure with an optional horse ride, then walk through the Siq, an immense crack in the stone, to see at the end of Petra's most impressive monument: the Treasury. You walk along the Street of Facades, and see the Royal Tombs, and Qasr al Bint.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 14: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Day 14: Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Madaba - Mosaic Shop - Mt Nebo - Amman

Today we get to explore the City known in the Old and New Testament times as Philadelphia. Traveling south we visit the mosaic city of Madaba, where the oldest map of the Holy Land exists on the floor of St. George's Church. More mosaics can be seen in the Archaeological Park, which houses some masterpieces from Byzantine churches. We then journey to Mt. Nebo, the site where the Prophet Moses looked over the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea before sending the Children of Israel across without him. Here you view 4th and 6th century Byzantine churches with wonderful mosaics. We will overnight in Amman.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 15: Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Day 15: Wednesday, April 2, 2025

Amman - Jerash

After breakfast, we will enjoy a half-day city tour of Amman. This tour will see the old and new of this capital city of Jordan with a highlight visit to the ancient city of Jerash, which boast of an unbroken chain of human occupation dating back to more than 6,500 years. Jerash lies on a plain surrounded by hilly wooded areas and fertile basins.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 16: Thursday, April 3, 2025
Day 16: Thursday, April 3, 2025

Depart for Home or Transfer to Egypt

Flights home with memories to last a lifetime or flights to Egypt for those that are doing the post tour.

Meals : In-flight


Day 1: Thursday, April 3, 2025 - Amman to Cairo

Day 2: Friday, April 4, 2025 - Cairo - Giza Pyramids - Egyptian Museum - Flight to Luxor

Day 3: Saturday, April 5, 2025 - Valley of the Kings - Nile Cruise

Day 4: Sunday, April 6, 2025 - Nile Cruise - Karnak Temple - sailing to Edfu via Esna

Day 5: Monday, April 7, 2025 - Nile Cruise - Edfu Temple - Kom Ombo temple - sailing to Aswan

Day 6: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - Aswan - The Famous High Dam - Philae Temple

Day 7: Wednesday, April 9, 2025 - Cairo - Sakkara & Memphis

Day 8: Thursday, April 10, 2025 - Flights home

Post-Tour Price: coming soon!

Please click on the "TOUR INCLUDES" button for more details!

Highlights of the Tour:

  • 1 tour-bus experience for the whole tour!
  • Morris Murdock LDS tour Director for the whole trip along with local guides
  • VERY INCLUSIVE rate -Tour, transportation, Tips & taxes, breakfast & dinner daily - All you pay for is lunches & souvenirs! 
  • We include all tipping for hotels and restaurants where meals are provided, an Israeli guide, and a driver!!
  • Licensed, insured, and bonded travel agency with 60 years of experience!! IT MATTERS!


  • Accommodations 4/5-star hotels and specialty lodging in Jordan
  • Meals as indicated in the itinerary
  • Entrance fees and activities as specified in the itinerary
  • Hotel porterage - 1 bag per person
  • Whisper technology headsets to be used during the tour
  • Experienced US guide traveling and services of a bilingual licensed Israeli tour guide throughout the tour
  • Transportation via deluxe air-conditioned motor coaches
  • Tips to native driver, Jordan guide, Israeli guide, hotel, and restaurant staff
  • Group transfers with group air schedule
  • Destination study and informational books
  • Travel Day Bag and document package

Not Included:

  • Round-trip air from your home city *Group air from Salt Lake will be available price TBA
  • Additional transfers when not arriving or departing with the group
  • Items of a personal nature
  • Cancellation & Travel insurance (highly recommended!)
  • Meals not specified in the itinerary

Optional Pricing:

  • Double Occupancy - $4,129 per person
  • Single Rate - $5,459 for private room
  • Triple Occupancy - $4,129 per person
  • Optional Egypt Extension - pricing coming soon!

Payment Terms:

  • $500 per person due at booking
  • The final payment is due December 18, 2024
  • $125 per person cash discount if all payments after deposit are done via ACH or check (inquire for details) 
  • Terms & Conditions
  • *A minimum number of 30 passengers is needed for the advertised tour price. If enrollment falls under an additional supplement my apply if the tour is operated


April 3-10, 2025

Double Occupancy: $3,589 per person | Single Occupancy: $4,489 

This tour requires 20 people minimum

Post Tour Includes:

  • Meet and greet service by our representatives at airports
  • Accommodations in Cairo in a 4+ stay hotel including daily breakfast
  • 3-night Nile Cruise - all meals and tours included
  • 2 inter Egypt flights (Cairo/Aswan - Luxor/Cairo)
  • All sightseeing tours as mentioned in the itinerary and entrance fees
  • English-speaking tour guide
  • Entry Visa into Egypt
  • Tipping for local guide/cruise tips and driver

Day 1: Thursday, April 3, 2025 - Amman to Cairo

Depart today for your flight from Amman to Cairo. Upon arrival, we will be escorted to our hotel to rest from the travel.

Day 2: Friday, April 4, 2025 - Cairo - Giza Pyramids - Egyptian Museum - Flight to Luxor

Today we start our exploration of the mysteries Egypt holds at the pyramids in Giza and discover the only remaining Wonder of the Ancient World. We have a safari on camels, or horse buggy if you prefer, on our way to see the solar boat museum which sits with the pyramids. We continue on to the Great Sphinx which was carved out of solid natural rock around 2500 B.C. After a stop for lunch, we visit the Papyrus institute to see how it is made and introduced to ancient Egyptian writing. An explanation is also provided as to what a cartouche is, as we will see them throughout our tour! After a stop for lunch, we continue our tour to the world-famous Egyptian Museum, home of the treasures of King Tut's tomb and the most important depository of Egyptian antiquities in the world. Transfer to the Cairo Airport to take our flight to Luxor. We will be met and transferred to our hotel for the night. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Day 3: Saturday, April 5, 2025 - Valley of the Kings - Nile Cruise

We start the tour today by visiting the Valley of the Kings and admire the magnificence of the grandeur of architecture which was used for many kings' burial sites. We visit 3 famous tombs, including the tomb of King Tut Ankh Amen! We pass by the temple built by Queen Hatshepsut, the daughter of Thutmosis I for a photo opportunity. After our visit, we embark on our deluxe Nile Cruise boat (Radamsis I) which is our home for the next four night. Tonight, after dinner we have a very unique experience of enjoying a fascinating tour around the city of Luxor by night on horse-pulled buggies. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 4: Sunday, April 6, 2025 - Nile Cruise - Karnak Temple - sailing to Edfu via Esna 

For those who are adventurous and up for a thrill, there is an opportunity for an optional hot air balloon ride this morning over the Valley of the Kings in Luxor (a separate additional fee is required). The view is incomparable and lets you appreciate the large scale of the burial place of many famous pharos. This morning, we enjoy visiting the Karnak Temple, the greatest example of worship in the history of Egypt. It is dedicated to the god Amon, his wife Mut, and their son Khonsu. We will then head back to the ship for lunch and enjoy sailing. As our riverboat moves south to Edfu via Esna, we pass through a lock on the Nile in Esna which is exciting to see. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 5: Monday, April 7, 2025 - Nile Cruise - Edfu Temple - Kom Ombo temple - sailing to Aswan

Our first visit today is to Edfu the most complete temple in Egypt. This afternoon we return to our ship and continue sailing to Kom Ombo to visit the only double temple in Egypt, which is dedicated to Horus the falcon, and Sobek the crocodile. Then we sail to Aswan. Alon the way, Tonight after dinner, we enjoy a traditional Egyptian celebration dressed in our traditional wear for those who'd like to attend. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 6: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - Aswan - The Famous High Dam - Philae Temple

After breakfast we visit the Famous High Dam which was built to save Egypt from the wild Nile floods. We continue on to visit one of the most beautiful temples in Egypt, the Philae Temple, which is the temple of ISIS, the goddess of magic and maternity. To access this temple, we ride a motorboat, which also provides us our first views of the local terrain and interaction with people. We will go back to the ship for lunch. For those who wish, we may take a motorboat up the Nile to a local Nubian village and learn about their culture and visit a local family (a separate additional fee is required). Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 7: Wednesday, April 9, 2025 - Cairo - Sakkara & Memphis

Today we say goodbye to our home on the Nile as we disembark the ship and take an early flight back to Cairo. From the airport, we depart on a tour to Sakkara which is one part of the old great necropolis of Memphis. Sakkara is probably best known as the location of King Zoser's Step Pyramid, one of the oldest on record. Our excursion proceeds to the old capital of Memphis, which was the capital city of the Old Kingdom. We see the ruins of the Temple of Ptah, and the gigantic colossi of king Ramses the second. While in this area, we visit a local carpet school and we are able to watch the fascinating skills of those who make rugs by hand. Check into our hotel by the airport to get some rest before our flights home. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch

Day 8: Thursday, April 10, 2025 - Flights home

Today (early AM) we depart Egypt and take your flight to your home cities with memories to last a lifetime.