2024 In The Footsteps of Jesus and the Prophets with Larry Gelwix & Dann Hone

Dates October 26 - November 7, 2024
Destination Tel Aviv; Haifa; Nazareth; Capernaum; Jericho; Dead Sea; Bethlehem; Jerusalem;
Duration 12 days 11 nights
Price From 2,995
Printable Flyer

Religious Focus:


Activity Level:

Walking Level:

Israel is a religious headquarters for millions worldwide. Come join us as we discover this part of the world that keeps tourists coming back for more. Follow the footsteps of Christ in the Holy Land, sail on the Sea of Galilee, and pause at the Garden Tomb. Expert guide Dann Hone will teach you the history and culture of this part of the world and will make the tour one that you will remember for a lifetime. Also offering an exciting Jordan pre-tour option.

While other companies take 2 and 3 buses on their tours, ours has a 1-bus guarantee that ensures you have an intimate experience at the sites as well as with your educator. It allows your group to bond as a family and make fast friends with those you are traveling with. You will not come home wishing you had more.

*Please note that due to the nature of this tour, you must be able to climb stairs and walk unassisted at a moderate pace. You will walk an average of 4-6 miles each day. The days are full of touring from breakfast to dinner time with "down-time" only in the evening.

Highlights of the Tour:

  • 2 tour-bus experience, each bus hosted by either Dann Hone or Larry Gelwix
  • Pre-Departure Zoom seminars to help prepare you for a true spiritual experience
  • Licensed, insured, and bonded travel agency with 60 years of experience!! IT MATTERS!

Tour ID #9224J26

A CASH DISCOUNT of $75 applies for all payments made by check or an electronic bank transfer AFTER the initial deposit, which can be made via credit card.

To Book This Tour, contact your favorite Morris Columbus Travel advisor or the Group Tour Manager listed below:

Questions? Contact:

Julie DeMille, Tour Manager
Tel: (801) 483-6172

Email - jdemille@morrismurdock.com 

Day 1: Saturday, October 26, 2024
Day 1: Saturday, October 26, 2024

USA - Tel Aviv, Israel

Depart home city to Tel Aviv.

Meals : In-flight
Day 2: October 27, 2024
Day 2: October 27, 2024

Arrive Tel Aviv

Afternoon arrival at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion International Airport.  Airport welcome.  Transfer to Netanya for dinner and overnight

Meals : Dinner
Day 3: October 28, 2024
Day 3: October 28, 2024

Netanya - Sea of Galilee

After breakfast, we travel north to Caesarea Maritima archaeological site.  Caesarea, a historic seaport and home to the summer palace of Herod the Great built in 22 BC and later home to Pontius Pilate. We continue north along the Mediterranean coastal plain and then pass through the Carmel mountain pass at Jokneam to Megiddo, the royal city of the Canaanites, fortified by Solomon as a “chariot city”, and the Valley of Armageddon, site of the last great battle before the Second Coming of Christ.  Returning through the Megiddo pass we climb the ridge of Mount Carmel, passing Daliyat Carmel to a unique, local Druze restaurant for lunch.  After lunch, we continue to the Muhkraqa Monastery to view the Holy Land and Jezreel Valley and recount the stories of the prophet Elijah and the priests of Ba’al recorded in 1 Kings 18.  Continuing north along the Carmel ridge we arrive at Haifa and the Haifa Observatory to view the Baha’i Gardens, which mark the world center of the Baha’i faith, and Haifa Bay. Here we will point out locations and discuss LDS dedications of the Holy Land. Going down to the Haifa Port we come to the German Templar Cemetery and burial site of early LDS converts and missionaries dating to 1888.  Our final journey is through the Lower Galilee Hill Country to the Sea of Galilee to our hotel perfectly located right on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 4: October 29, 2024
Day 4: October 29, 2024

Mount Tabor - Nazareth - Sea of Galilee

After an early breakfast, we will journey across the Galilean Hills to ascend Mt. Tabor, the site of the Mt. of Transfiguration, and visit the Basilica of the Transfiguration. We proceed across the Jezreel Valley to the 1st-century reconstructed Nazareth Village.  We tour the village, built as Jesus would have known it in his lifetime, and enjoy a 1st-century lunch.  Following lunch, we travel through the Nazareth hills past Cana, where the first recorded miracle of Christ took place turning water to wine, and the Horns of Hittin, where the Crusaders suffered their final defeat in 1187.   Our next visit is to the New Testament city of Magdala, home of Mary Magdalene. Here we will stand in a 1st Century synagogue where Jesus and his apostles stood and taught. After visiting the beautiful chapel Duc-in-Altum, we transfer to Kibbutz Nof Ginnosar to view the 1st century AD fishing boat and Yigel Alon Museum. Here we board a fishing boat to cross the Sea of Galilee to Kibbutz Ein Gev. Today is Saturday, the Sabbath in Israel. We will hold a devotional service today. 

Meals : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Day 5: October 30, 2024
Day 5: October 30, 2024

Galilee - Capernaum - Mt of Beatitudes - Tel Dan - Golan Heights

Following breakfast, we travel along the Eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee below the Golan Heights, passing Kursi (Jesus feeds the multitudes), Bethsaida, and the northern Jordan River to Capernaum. In Capernaum, we see the synagogue where Jesus preached and nearby what is believed to be the house of Peter. Not far from here is Primacy of Rock where the resurrected Jesus asks Peter, “Lovest thou me?”, Tabgah, the site of the multiplication of the fishes and loaves, and the Mt. of Beatitudes where Jesus delivered His epic “Sermon on the Mount”. We continue our journey past Chorazin, Hatzor, the Hula Valley, to the Lebanese border near Tel Dan. Time permitting, we will visit Banias (Caesarea Philippi) at the foot of Mt. Hermon where Peter confessed the Savior’s divinity. Today we see the northern borders of Israel with Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. We visit the bunkers in the Golan Heights at Bental, and after return to Ein Gev Resort Village to enjoy an evening swim or just relax.

Meals : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Day 6: October 31, 2024
Day 6: October 31, 2024

Galilee - Jericho

We depart the Galilee and drive south along the Jordan River to Beit She’an, inhabited more than 6,000 years ago, and later occupied by the Romans. Here the bodies of King Saul and his sons were hung by the Philistines.  The spectacular remains of the Byzantine city are comparable to the magnificent ruins of Ephesus, Turkey.  After touring the Roman-Byzantine city, we continue south along the Jordan River Valley to Jericho.  We visit Tel Jericho, the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world.  And here we see the remains of the Walls of Jericho that came “tumbling down” during Joshua’s siege of the city.  Also, near Jericho we visit the site recently identified as the baptism site of Jesus on the Israeli side of the border with Jordan called Qasr Al-Yahud.  Tonight we are staying in Jericho.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 7: November 1, 2024
Day 7: November 1, 2024

Jericho - Dead Sea - Jerusalem

We depart Jericho and drive south to the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, and continue along its banks to Masada, a magnificent Herodian mountain fortress once occupied by Jewish zealots under siege by the Romans.  From here we continue to Qumran, the site of the original Dead Sea Scrolls found by shepherds in local caves.  Before we continue to Jerusalem, those who choose will have an opportunity to “float” in the waters of the Dead Sea.  Departing the Dead Sea Rift Valley, we pass through the Judean hills to Jerusalem.  We detour near the Old Roman Road of Jesus’ day to view the Judean wilderness and take a walk to see Kozeba or St. George’s Monastery across Wadi Qelt.  Upon arrival in Jerusalem, we check into our hotel for an early dinner.  We then transfer to West Jerusalem and the Shrine of the Book and Dead Sea Scrolls at the Israeli Museum.  Here we see a Model City of Jerusalem that is a reconstruction of the Herodian city before its destruction in 70 AD.  A brief stop at the National Menorah and Israeli Knesset, or Parliament building, will end our day.  We check into our hotel in Jerusalem at the end of the day.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 8: Saturday, November 2, 2024
Day 8: Saturday, November 2, 2024

Old City of Jerusalem - BYU Jerusalem Center for Church - Bethlehem

For Latter-day Saints in the Holy Land, this is the Sabbath. From our hotel, we proceeded to the Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies (BYU) and participate in the LDS Sacrament meeting.  After church services, we depart the Jerusalem Center.  We then will travel a few miles south of Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus.  We will also visit Manger Square, Church of the Nativity, and Shepherd’s Fields.

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 9: Sunday, November 3, 2024
Day 9: Sunday, November 3, 2024

Jerusalem - Western Wall

We visit the Temple Mount, the Western or Wailing Wall of Solomon’s Temple, and site of the Ophel Museum.  We will follow the Via Dolorosa (“Way of the Cross”) and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. An optional tour is offered this evening to Ha Kotel excavations along the length of the Western Wall.    

Meals : Breakfast, Dinner
Day 10: Monday, November 4, 2024
Day 10: Monday, November 4, 2024

Last Week of the Savior's Life - Jerusalem - Bethany - Bethpage

We travel to Bethany this morning to visit the tomb where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.  At Bethpage, on the eastern side of the Mt. of Olives, we visit the Church of Mounting, the traditional place of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus during the “Passion Week” or the last week of the Savior’s life.  After a panoramic view of Jerusalem from atop the Mt. of Olives, we visit the sacred Garden of Gethsemane to remember the Atonement and Christ’s final hours before His arrest.  In the Orson Hyde Memorial Gardens, we will review the events of Gethsemane, the visit of the Apostle Orson Hyde in 1841, and have a pizza lunch. We visit Mt. Zion and the “Upper Room” of the Last Supper, the traditional House of Caiaphas at St. Peter en Gallicantu, the Pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the paralyzed man and follow a portion of the Via Dolorosa or “Way of the Cross”, which is the route Jesus took when He carried His cross.  Other sites include King David’s Cenotaph, Lions’ Gate, and the Damascus Gate.  Our day will end at the Garden Tomb where Christ was buried and resurrected with time for instruction and personal thought and reflection.  

Meals : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Day 11: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Day 11: Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Jerusalem – Optional Day of Tours in Jerusalem

This morning we have optional tours to West Jerusalem, Yad Vashem (Museum of the Holocaust), and Mt. Hertzl, or for the adventurous a visit to the City of David Excavations, Hezekiah’s Water Tunnel, the Pool of Siloam, and the newly excavated tunnel to the Ophel excavations. The afternoon is free to spend as you wish.  You can return to sacred sites and/or explore new ones.  It’s a great day for shopping the bazaars and walking the labyrinth of alleyways and side streets throughout the Old City or visiting the “New City” with its many shops, restaurants, and boutiques along Ben Yehuda Street.  This evening a visit to the Western Wall to watch the faithful Jewish community welcome Shabbat (the Sabbath day which begins at sundown) will be hosted.  Overnight Jerusalem.  

Meals : Breakfast
Day 12: Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Day 12: Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Jerusalem – To Tel Aviv 

Today we will have a free morning and check out of our hotel by noon.  We then bid farewell to Jerusalem and travel to the ancient Emmaus (Nicopolis) before going on to Jaffa to visit the Underground Old Jaffa Museum and walk the promenade. It was from Jaffa that Jonah embarked on his fateful ocean voyage, and here Peter had his vision to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles.  We will enjoy a farewell dinner together before ending at the Tel Aviv airport for our red-eye flights back home.

Day 13: Thursday, November 7, 2024
Day 13: Thursday, November 7, 2024

Arrive USA back home.

Meals : In-flight

Price Includes:

  • Deluxe motor coach transportation
  • Local guides
  • Hotel accommodations in moderate-class hotels
  • Airport transfers when arriving and departing with planned group times
  • Sightseeing tours as outlined on the itinerary
  • Entrance fees
  • Gratuities for Israel tour guides, bus drivers, hotels, and restaurants where meals are included
  • Minimum travel insurance
  • All breakfast and dinner meals on the land portion

Price does not include:

  • Round-trip air from Salt Lake City–Amman–Tel Aviv
  • Additional possible airfare from cities 
  • Required Pre-paid gratuities for Israel tour services, $150.00 per person
  • Sightseeing not included on the itinerary
  • Items of a personal nature (e.g., phone calls, room service, e-mails, etc.)
  • Travel insurance and cancellation waiver
  • Lunches except where noted on itinerary

Payment Terms:

  • $500 PER PERSON Deposit is due at the time of booking
  • The final payment is due on July 27, 2024

Pricing Options:

  • Double Occupancy - $2,995 per person
  • Single supplement - $4,426 private room
  • Triple Occupancy - $2,995 per person


DEPARTS: October 22-27, 2024, Jordan to Israel

FROM: $1,699 pp/double

INCLUDES: Petra, Jerash, Amman, Madaba, Karak, & Mt. Nebo

Our exciting and unique “Kingdom of Jordan” pre-tour adventure provides the Morris Columbus Holy Land traveler an adventure into another part of the Bible Lands where prophets, kings, and Jesus Christ traversed. This tour highlights the major sites of Jordan prior to your Holy Land experience in Israel and Palestine. At the conclusion of our Jordan tour, you will be transferred to our tour group hotel in Netanya, Israel, for the start of our Holy Land tour.

Day 1, Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Depart your home city to Amman, the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Day 2, Wednesday, October 23. 2024

You will be met upon your arrival in Amman where you will be greeted by your tour host, Dann Hone, and transferred to our hotel.

Day 3, Thursday, October 24, 2024 Amman & Jerash

Today we journey north from the Jordanian capital city of Amman (known in Greco-Roman times as Philadelphia) to Jerash, the monumental Graeco-Roman Decapolis city, visiting its magnificent ruins and review Old and New Testament events that occurred along the route. We will cross the Jabbok River near Penuel and recall that the patriarch Jacob was renamed “Israel” at its banks after wrestling with an angel all through the night. You return to Amman for visits to the famous downtown Souk (open-air market), Amman Citadel, location of the Jordan Archaeological Museum (houses some of the Dead Sea Scrolls), Temple of Hercules, and other significant sites. We will also transfer for a tour of the Roman Theater and the Odeon before returning our hotel for dinner and overnight. (B, D)

Day 4, Friday, October 25, 2024 Amman, Balqa Highlands, Jordan Valley, Pella, Umm Qais, Irbid, Ajloun Castle

This morning we take a journey few tours provide throughout the northwestern areas of Jordan. Our adventure begins with a drive through the picturesque western hills of the Balqa Highlands, passing through Es-Salt to the Jordan River Valley, then following the valley north we arrive at the city of Pella, where the Jewish Christians fled from Jerusalem in 66 AD, following the prophetic instructions of Jesus and his disciples. Our next travels take us further north to the site of New Testament city of Gadara (Umm Qais), where we have a view of the Sea of Galilee. From this vantage point, we can see the borders of Israel, Syria, and Jordan. Heading south again, we pass through the provincial capital of northern Jordan, Irbid and stop at the crusader-Moslem fortress of Ajloun Castle. We return out hotel for dinner and overnight. (B, D)

Day 5, Saturday, October 26, 2024 Amman, Madaba, Karak Castle, Petra

This morning we head south, stopping for a lunch break at Madaba where the oldest mosaic map of the Holy Land is displayed on the floor of the Byzantine church. After our visit, we journey southeast along the King’s Highway through the biblical lands of Moab and Edom (tribal inheritances of Rueben). Enroute, we stop to view the ruins of Herod Antipas’ fortress-palace overlooking the Dead Sea, Machaerus. This is the location of Salome’s dance and the beheading of John the Baptist.

Traveling further south, we visit al-Karak Castle, one of the largest crusader castles in the Levant. Along the Kings Highway we will pass many of the biblical cities and locations from the days of the Patriarchs through the Exodus of the Children of Israel. We continue traveling south to Petra, a marvel long before “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” opened in theatres.

After a memorable day, we arrive at our Old Village Hotel Resort in Wadi Musa for dinner and overnight. The hotel is a unique experience with the true ambience of the Bedouin-Nabatean cultures. (B, D)

Day 6, Sunday, October 27, 2024 Petra, Mt. Nebo, King Hussein Bridge, Netanya

After breakfast we will head to the ancient ruins of Petra by entering through the Siq. Most people recognize Petra for the Treasury, but there is so much more to see. There are two ways into and out of Petra. One is by buggy pulled by a donkey (additional fee). The other method is by foot, which allows for a scenic and memorable experience and is not a difficult walk. After lunch we leave along the Desert Highway to a mountain peak in the Jordanian western mountains, Mount Nebo, where Moses made his last stopping place before departing the tribes of Israel and entrusting their leadership to Joshua. After taking in the panorama of modern Israel and the Palestinian Territories and reviewing the events on this mountain we descend to the great rift valley of the Jordan River and see in the distance the city of Palms, Jericho. We will make the crossing of the Jordan close to where Joshua and the children of Israel, Elijah and Elisha, Joseph and Mary, and Jesus and His disciples crossed near Al-Maghtas or “Bethany beyond the Jordan”, the probable site of Bethbara where the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist occurred. We will reminisce those events as we cross the King Hussein/Allenby Bridge from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the modern nation of Israel and the Palestinian Authority Territories. After crossing the border, we will pass by Jericho and through the Judaean Hill Country before continuing our journey to the Mediterranean coastal city of Netanya and our accommodations for dinner and overnight. Here we will meet the rest of the Holy Land group for the Israel tour. (B, D)

What is included:

  • Comprehensive sightseeing with professional licensed Jordan guide
  • Five-days/four-nights First Class hotel accommodations
  • Meals as noted (B: breakfast, D: dinner)
  • Headsets throughout for groups over 14 participants
  • Amman arrival group transfer
  • Transfer from Jordan to Netanya, Israel hotel
  • All admissions and entrance fees per itinerary
  • All group ground transportation

What is not included:

  • Anything not specifically listed as included
  • Jordan departure tax (currently $15) which must be paid in person
  • Shuttle bus between Jordan/Israel border check point (currently $6) which must be paid in person
  • Meals and drinks other than those listed as included
  • Items of purely a personal nature
  • Driver, guide, and hotel tips/gratuities