Joel Judd

Joel Judd was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and grew up in West Point, Utah before graduating from Davis High School. He served an LDS mission to New England under President Truman G. Madsen.

He earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in History, Sociology and Psychology at Weber State College in 1970, and received a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology from BYU in 1975. Since that time he has been a student of Biblical Hebrew, ancient Near East History, and Geography of the Holy Land.

Joel, now retired, taught in the L. D. S. Church Education System for 37 years, in Seminary in Ogden, Utah and in Institute in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and at the Orem Institute of Religion at Utah Valley State College. He has taught at the BYU Jerusalem Center in Israel on three different occasions as a religion instructor and field trip director and has directed many tours to Egypt and Israel.

Joel Judd's Current Tours:


"Hi Brother Judd and Sister Judd (my Marsha),

I am pretty sure that you have heard all this time and time before, but there are no words to express the feelings deep in my heart that will burn forever after our visit to the Holy Land with you. Daily thoughts and impressions flood my mind at the least expected times but especially in the quiet hours of meditation that seem to come often.

Talks and lessons in church are more meaningful, hymns are tearful, and names and places truly are now memories. There are no words to answer the simple question "How was your trip?". I just say great unless I can see a true desire to know more because the thoughts are too precious like a Spiritual experience you ponder in your heart.

I love the way you present ideas and teachings especially ending with the last days of the Savior and especially Gethsemane and the olive tree. The connections and truthfulness of the Book of Mormon are even deeper in my heart than they were before.

You truly bless the lives of those who journey with you. I hope that Rick and I can come with you on another tour when he is able to go.

Thank you so much for giving of your time and energies for us.

Love, - Sue Kern